Wednesday, December 21, 2005


This was the first evening of the recent schedule that the church decided on in a business meeting last week. I am asking that members and friends pray in their homes and also get together for prayer meetings in homes. There will be no Wednesday evening meetings, except for January 11th at 7 pm, for the rest of this year and until the end of January when we will discuss the schedule again. As pastor, I want to encourage meetings in homes, nursing homes, jails, community buildings, etc. Sister Jennie Sanders is moving to an apartment here in town and said she is looking forward to having prayer meeting there and that we can even move out into the lobby area. We want to get involved in our community and get the message of Christ to all that we meet. There are many ways to minister and we need to get outside the walls of the church to reach out to others. I have written a letter to our leaders and others explaining this. Lets move forward in the Lord in reaching out to others. Gracie, Sister Susie's daughter, has recently moved into her home and wants it dedicated. We are planning a prayer meeting there and a dedication ceremony.

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