Friday, December 16, 2005


I believe the following is needed, especially this time of the year when so many seem to be depressed and discouraged. So, I am publishing this again.

Pastors, Ministers, Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage Therapists, Mental Health Providers, Chaplains and Psychiatrists and any others may counsel but God is the healer, resolver, deliverer, mender, comforter, provider, and stabilizer. This is one of the first things I tell a person when they come to me for counseling, is that we (the counselee and myself the counselor) are trusting God in the needs they have. There is only one Savior and Lord.

Often persons "beat themselves up" over and over again when God has forgiven them and they stand justified in His sight through faith in Christ and His shed blood. "Self-guilt" and "self-condemation" are destructive. That type of guilt is a tool of the enemy and a lack of understanding of being forgiven completely of sin in their lives. There is another type of guilt or "healthy guilt" or conviction. Often persons are depressed, sad, downcast, etc. because there is conviction of sin and it is not confessed and repented of. No amount of tranquilizers will bring the needed healing and stabilizing that are needed to find peace; only confessing, repenting and serving God to the best of our ability will resolve that type of depression. Read more here. . . .

A Study of Guilt

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