Saturday, March 04, 2006


God's creation is shining today with a brilliant clarity of sunshine and gentle, cool, breeze. Thank you Heavenly Father for another day to love You and serve You. The Psalmist wrote, "Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever" 106:1. To grasp all the goodness of God would not be possible for my finite mind but I thank You and Praise You for Your goodness and Your mercy. Thanks for breath, life, sight, hearing, taste, smell, feelings, water, food, light, all the many creations that You have created. Thank You for my family, friends, leaders, and neighbors. Thank You for my church and the people there and the times of coming together to worship. Thank You for my wife, children, grandchildren, and other family members. Thank You for fellow pastors and ministers. Thank you for the Bible and for the Holy Spirit that leads, guides, teaches, comforts, shows me more of Jesus and convicts when I fail and sin. Thank You for mercy that is everlasting and ever-healing, and ever-nudging, and ever-melting, and ever-calling to any who have strayed from You. O Mighty, Holy, Glorious God eternal - I just thank You today - for You and all You are and all You give and all You do. As the song that Dottie Rambo wrote says - "I didn't come to ask You for anything, I just came to talk with You Lord. You've answered a million prayers or more, that I forgot to thank You for, I just came to talk with You Lord." THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU O GOD, THE ONE GOD OF ISREAL, THE FATHER OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. . . . . . . .

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