Saturday, March 11, 2006

It's Not the Size of the Church, But Its Health That Counts!

By H. B. London Jr.

I've heard many people say over the last year that, as we enter into the 21st century, it will not be the size of the church that matters, but its health that will ensure its survival.

I doubt if most people realize that more than 100,000 churches in the United States have 50 attendees or less. That means that the average church will have fewer than 100 worshippers this Sunday. So, in spite of all the press the megachurches receive, we are still a nation of small to medium-sized churches.

For some pastors, serving in a small church creates something of a self-image problem. We look at the big church on the hill, compare ourselves to that operation, and feel inadequate or insignificant. NOT SO, MY FRIEND! In The Heart of a Great Pastor (Regal Books), Neil Weisman and I write, "Every assignment is holy ground because Jesus gave Himself for the people who live there. Every place is important because God wants you to accomplish something supernatural there. Every situation is special because ministry is needed there. Like Queen Esther, you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this. All of these factors give a pastor a much-needed sense of destiny about his assignment." In other words, there are no small assignments, and there are none of you who are insignificant in any way.

Read More. . .

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