Saturday, January 21, 2006


Karen and I went to lunch and ate with the family of Bill Hall after the burial. After visiting with Sister Lois Thomas around 1:00-1:30 pm, Karen and I visited with J. C. and Brownie Palmer in Camden from about 1:45-2:15. Then got back home around 3:45 and rested a short while and then went and visited with Rita Moore and her son Travis from 5-5:45 pm. Rita requested prayer for Brother James who has had stomach upset and was bitten by something leaving two big whelps on him.

We got back home about 6:30 pm and I walked up the street about 3 houses from the church and visited with Jimmy and Virginia Davis. We had a good visit. Jimmy's mother, Willodene, had her pacemaker battery replaced in surgery yesterday. I was unable to be there and told them about Brother Bill Hall's death and funeral planning, etc. They were very understanding. We had a good visit. I thanked them for their past visits to the church and encouraged them to come any time to our services. They are one of the new couples coming to church. She operates a daycare in two different homes and He works at Dupont. They were very friendly and open to my visit. We shared testimonies of healing and how the Lord has brought us through some difficult times. Mr. Holland, Virginia's grandfather came over as I was leaving and we had a brief but good visit.

It is 8:30 pm and there is more studying and praying to be done for the services tomorrow.

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