Monday, January 09, 2006


Karen did a great job of moderating and bringing the message yesterday. She preached about trusting in Jesus and not getting eyes focused on anyone or putting anyone on a pedistal - except Jesus. I was able to attend but just sat through the services on the front pew with a guitar stumming along. The people here are very understanding. Last night was our monthly worship in singing, testimonies, poems, readings and writing. It was a great time. We were glad to have visitors Mr. and Mrs. Holland live a few houses up the street from the church.

If you read this BLOG, I need your opinion. Should a lead pastor go to church when he/she is sick (nothing contractual)? Should a lead pastor stay home when s/he is sick (not including contractual sickness? Should it be left to the pastor to decide?

Factors to consider. For example, yesterday, most people told me that I did not look like I felt well (duh). I do understand their care and concern. Some leaders say that a leader should not let those under him/her see weakness in any form in the leader. Some leaders say that being vulnerable shows our humaness and lets those under leaders know that they can be vulnerable and open.


1 comment:

Don G. Brock said...

Your question describes a delima we all face as pastors -- what message does it send if people see us sick?

I believe people in the 21st century want pastors to be more real than ever before. There is little room for pedestals, and we must begin by bringing ourselves down. Pastors as just sheep trying to lead other sheep home. We get sick just like everyone else, and sometimes we do not receive a miraclous healing, just like everyone else.

As for the responsibilities of leadership and ministry, perhaps we need well people ministering to sick people, not sick people ministering to sick people.

All of this assumes that leaders will push on when they sometimes don't feel like it.