Saturday, February 18, 2006


For the past four Sundays a series of messages have been preached on "Walking In the Spirit - Pressing Into The Kingdom of God, focusing on the fruit of the Spirit. This series will be continued with the last three fruit of the Spirit - faith, meekness and temperance - after a series on stewardship.

For the next two or three Sundays messages will be preached on Stewardship - Time, Talent and Treasure. God has given each of us 24 hours in a day. Each one has talent (gifts, skills, abilities) that God has given for each one to use for His glory. Each one has a certain amount of treasure (money, finance) that God has given to use for His glory. Our stewardship of time, talent and treasure is vital to our relationship and maturation in Jesus Christ. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. The gifts, talents, abilities and skills are a gift from God. Our finance belongs to God - all of it - to use wisely as He would have us use it. These areas are vital in our worship of the Almighty God. God does not want lip service. God does not want half-heartedness. God does not want lukewarmness. God wants our love with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. He wants the zeal, knowledge and wisdom that the Holy Spirit and Word of God teaches in these areas. Each one is responsible and accountable to God for their stewardship in time, talent and treasure. May the Lord help us as we endeavor to minister in these messages.

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