Thursday, January 25, 2007

Prayer Requests

Please pray for these. . .

Alton Crossno: Breathing problems.

Jenny Sanders: Fluid buildup in legs and fee.

Peggy Heath: Dizziness and lack of balance.

Marie Moore: Diabetes and kidney problems.

Sharon Caruthers: Recovery from hip surgeries and future hip replacement.

Jason Caruthers: Chron's Disease.

Susie Reynolds: Severe back, knee and leg pain from past auto accident.

Jason Gordon: Hip and back pain from pins and plate. Also for continued strength and ability for attending college and working part-time.

Prayer for those who are discouraged and have drifted away from the church.

Lenne Mae Crossno: Memory loss.

Lilly Grooms: Breathing difficulties and heart weakness.

Cathy and Tana: For strength and renewal.

Several requests that are non-published and private.

Pray for Pastor Gordon's kidney problem and skin problems.

Pray for the lost in our families, community and our area.

Pray for revival and an outbreak of the power of the Holy Ghost and His convicting and regenerating power.

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