Monday, January 01, 2007

Bonnie (Crossno) Curtis Funeral Services

The memorial service and graveside service for Sister Bonnie Crossno Curtis are now completed. Manuel, her youngest son, personally conducted much of the chapel service. The readings that he and Ray (an older son) shared with the family and friends contained much of Sister Bonnie's life, character and ministry. He charactized his mother as a "Grand Lady" in her relationships, family care and character and a "Tough Ole Bird" in her trials, tests and tears. It was a very personable writing eulogizing his Mother. There were several beautifully appropriate songs that were very inspirational. Manuel and Ray are gospel singers in their own right. I sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit throughout the service. Great job, Manuel and Ray!

The graveside service was this morning at 10AM. The family and friends came and stood in honor of this faithful soldier of the cross. She has "fought a good fight, kept the faith and finished the race." Rest peacefully and joyfully with the Lord, Sister Bonnie."

I am thankful for this family and for the opportunity to serve.

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