Friday, July 07, 2006

YESTERDAY - Friday, July 7, 2006

My day started with devotion and meditation. Karen and I then went riding on our new bikes for about 30 minutes or two miles. We had a great time even though both of us were breathing like we were running an olympic race. We hope this will be the beginning of better physical shape for both of us.

After taking care of some medical needs that I have to take care of every few days, I cleaned up and got dressed and headed for the local Baptist Hospital. I visited those who were in the hospital. Actually, the patient number was down quite a bit which, for the patients, is a good thing - I suppose. One gentleman, who used to pastor in the COGOP, was there. We had a good time of renewing acquaintance and had a good prayer together. I can't give any more info because of Federal confidential regulations. He is requesting prayer.

Sister Rita Moore came by and visited with Karen a few minutes while I was gone. She brought her sales from the Coke fund raiser. She sold 50 cases. The one who sells the most gets a $75.00 prize. Second and third gets a prize as well. Our people are working hard to pay the new church property off. We only need about $7500.00 to finish it.

I did some more studying and evaluating my progress in the doctoral degree. I am woefully behind but thats okay. God knows where I am. . . .I just want to know the Lord Jesus more. . . .and more. . . .and more. . . .

Karen came later and we had lunch at the hospital, which we do occasionally when I am serving there. I am so thankful for a wife who loves the Lord and is willing to work in the ministry. We have been to three states and over much of Tennessee in the Pastoral ministry. After some study and prep for Sunday, Karen and I went bike riding again. This time we rode to the new property and around and back - about 5 miles. We are having a great time, with some pain. . . .HA!

Following are pictures of her family. . .We pray for them

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