Saturday, July 22, 2006


Today has been a very busy day. Karen and I have been working on getting materials and ideas for VBS together. The theme of the VBS is "Week of Faith." One of the nights will be on the Lord's Prayer and one of the nights will be on the Ten Commandments. We are developing our own theme and curriculum. There will be a night on Daniel and one on the three Hebrew children. Donna and Delilah came by and Karen went with them to get some materials for VBS. Sister Donna is getting T-shirts for the staff and putting some iron-on names, etc. on them. She is also planning to give each child a t-shirt on Friday evening - the celebration evening. Yesterday morning, I rode my bike and gave out several invitations to people and left them on the doors of several houses when no one came to the door. We are excited about VBS and ministering to children.

In between all the work for VBS, we have gone to the Moores a couple times this week and prayed for Sister Marie. She desires continued prayer for her legs and for healing from diabetes. Brother J. E. also desires prayer. His sugar level has been high now for about a month. Brother J. E. also gave us about a hundred ears of peaches and cream corn. We have frozen several quart bags and ate a bunch along with the fresh tomatoes he gave us. Yum, yum - fresh garden veggies.

Karen called Lori and Rex Worman Friday. Rex answered and was happy to tell Karen about his upcoming retirement. He will be retiring in late August. He said, "I'll get to be in church so much you all will probably get tired of me." Of course he was kidding. We miss them in church but understand their work schedules. They have been so very supportive of the ministry here.

Jimmie Davis called around 8:45 pm tonight and informed me about his wife's step-grandmother. She is requesting prayer. She had a stroke last Thursday and continues to ask for prayer. I left at 9:15 pm and went and visited with her and prayed with her, Brother Jimmie and Sister Virginia. We had a good visit.

We continue to request prayer for the VBS and for each child that comes to be ministered to. Children need ministry and we want to be on the "cutting edge" of ministry to children.

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