Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Last evening was the final class of TCBL for this area of Tennessee this year. Again, we thank Brother McKinley and Sister Richardson for providing the leadership in getting this study to the local churches. We enjoyed the teaching of Pastor Steve MacDonald, Paris, TN and the study on Servant Evangelism. There were a total of 8 who took the class. This group has the callenge of being the catalysts for "doing" Servant Evangelism. As we show God's love in small, seemingly insignificant ways, people will be arrested by the power of the Holy Ghost. Prayers and Plans are already in the making for doing servant evangelism projects. May God grant us the patience, providence and persistence in doing acts of kindness to anyone we come in contact with and may we work together as groups in our local churches to plow, plant, sew and reap the harvest. Some plow, some plant/sew, some reap but it is God who gives the increase. May He be glorified in all we do.

Prayer Requests: Sister Rita's Sister Hope and her family, Mildred Stacy, Prayer for the leaders in our world, nation, states, cities. Sister Gordon is still running a fever but it is much lower than yesterday. Prayer for Eathan Pyburn, Donna Crossno's grandson, who is having problems with physical therapy - this little fellow is a miracle of the Lord. Doctors said he would likely not walk or be able to do much. He is sitting up, crawling around, and has a great big smile. Now we pray that he will be able to continue in PT so he can continue to gain strength. Pray for Sister Carolyn Loggains who is having knee replacement surgery scheduled today at 12:30 pm. Pray for those who are "homebound" Lennie Crossno, Bonnie Crossno, Jennie Sanders, Lilly Grooms, Mildred Stacy (sister Stacy informed me yesterday that she may be able to come back to church soon). Pray for the Youth Ministry of the church.

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