Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I am up early this morning after sleeping fairly sound for 4 hours. Today my schedule includes, quiet time, devotion, prayer, greeting Jason this morning and seeing him off to college, continuing to see about Karen and wait on her, continuing in Doctor of Ministry studies, preparing for Bible Study and Prayer service tonight, calling the hospital in Jackson to check on Sister Loggains, changing the church sign, visiting the hospital as I am Volunteer Chaplain this week. Yesterday, I sent personalized handwritten cards to the visitors who came Sunday, waited on Karen, visited the hospital in Jackson and studied some.

After getting Karen her meds and getting settled around 11 pm last night, I fell asleep beside her as we both are resting on the recliners. She is some better but her fever keeps going up and down. It was 98.9 this am. Thankfully, the lowest since Saturday. I want to offer this prayer for her this early morning hour.

"Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you will perform a healing in my 'help meet.' I ask that she be given a divine touch through your Son, Jesus Christ. I pray that this virus, bacteria, flu or whatever it is be driven from her body and that she will be healed in the wonderful, powerful, glorious name of Jesus Christ - King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Alpha and Omega. AMEN!"

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Sister Carolyn Loggains went through knee surgery okay. I got to the Jackson, TN Medical Clinic and prayed with her just a little while before she went into surgery. Her son-in-law, Vick Luther, was with her. He informed me that he is off work this week and would be staying with her. I enjoyed meeting him for the first time. I will be checking on Sister Loggains again tomorrow.

Karen is continuing to have some fever. Today will be the 5th day since she started with fever. She has been on antibiotics and, prayerfully, will be better soon. I am not leaving her for more than a few hours at a time since she needs to rest. I am praying that she will get through this sickness very soon.


Last evening was the final class of TCBL for this area of Tennessee this year. Again, we thank Brother McKinley and Sister Richardson for providing the leadership in getting this study to the local churches. We enjoyed the teaching of Pastor Steve MacDonald, Paris, TN and the study on Servant Evangelism. There were a total of 8 who took the class. This group has the callenge of being the catalysts for "doing" Servant Evangelism. As we show God's love in small, seemingly insignificant ways, people will be arrested by the power of the Holy Ghost. Prayers and Plans are already in the making for doing servant evangelism projects. May God grant us the patience, providence and persistence in doing acts of kindness to anyone we come in contact with and may we work together as groups in our local churches to plow, plant, sew and reap the harvest. Some plow, some plant/sew, some reap but it is God who gives the increase. May He be glorified in all we do.

Prayer Requests: Sister Rita's Sister Hope and her family, Mildred Stacy, Prayer for the leaders in our world, nation, states, cities. Sister Gordon is still running a fever but it is much lower than yesterday. Prayer for Eathan Pyburn, Donna Crossno's grandson, who is having problems with physical therapy - this little fellow is a miracle of the Lord. Doctors said he would likely not walk or be able to do much. He is sitting up, crawling around, and has a great big smile. Now we pray that he will be able to continue in PT so he can continue to gain strength. Pray for Sister Carolyn Loggains who is having knee replacement surgery scheduled today at 12:30 pm. Pray for those who are "homebound" Lennie Crossno, Bonnie Crossno, Jennie Sanders, Lilly Grooms, Mildred Stacy (sister Stacy informed me yesterday that she may be able to come back to church soon). Pray for the Youth Ministry of the church.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Thank God, for two great meetings today. This morning there were five visitors, Mr. Manus and his small son, Mrs. Lori Warmon, Mrs. Willodene Davis and Mrs. Uvonna Ross. We were very glad to see the visitors and our regular people as well. Mrs. Virginia Davis was also there today. This is her second Sunday and we are counting her as a regular attender.

We are so glad that the Lord was present with us today. The Lord helped me today as I shared the messages, "God's Indescribable Gift" (am) and "Be Strong In the Lord" (pm). We are very thankful for the Lord and His greatness.

Here are some links that may be of help in ministry or study.

Baptist top 1000

Premarital Inventory

Daily Bread Devotional

Youth for Christ

Our Journey

Bible Pathway

Audio Online Bible

Dr. Cardin's ministry helps

Thanks for stopping by and God bless you is my prayer.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

TODAY - 11/26/05

Karen and I began our morning around 7:30 am with a quiet time. Karen said she was feeling well this morning but told me that she was cold and having chills around 10 am. She could not seem to get warm. I took her temp and it was 101.5. I got her some extra covers and brought a portable heater close to the sofa. She is resting until she feels better. After getting her comfortable, I went in to my office room in the parsonage and began studying.

After studying and preparing for tomorrow for a few hours this morning, I checked on Karen and told her I was going to visit a while. She was in and out of napping and was covered with quilts from her eyes to her toes trying to get over the chill. I then went to visit with Mrs. Willodene Davis today but she was not at home (her son Jimmy Davis asked me to visit her). Then I went to her son's and daughter-in-law's (Jimmy and Virginia Davis) home and they informed me that Mrs. Willodene's brother is in for Thanksgiving and she is probably visiting some other family members. After visiting with Jimmy and Virginia Davis, I was asked by Virginia's grandfather, Mr. Holland, if I wanted to come by and visit with them - just next door to Jimmy. Mr. Holland assured me he wanted to come visit with us some Sunday night - since he attends somewhere in the am. I welcomed them. As I was leaving he asked if I would have prayer. After a time of prayer I left and came back home.

At home, Karen was still chilling some and told me that her throat is sore. I took her temp at around 4:15 pm and it was 102. I called the pharmacist and had an antibiotic filled that we had refills left on. She started on them and took some tylenol at 4:45. A couple hours later I took her temp and it was down to 101. Just a few minutes ago I took her temp and it is down more (100.5). I gave her two more tylenol. She told me that she is not chilling now and is feeling hot. I think her body temp is adjusting after having chills most of the day. Please pray for Sister Karen. She is a faithful companion, minister, children's minister, prayer partner and loving wife. We have been married over 23 years and she has moved with me to three different states in pastoral ministry. She is a trooper for the Lord!

UPCOMING: CHRISTMAS BANQUET, DECEMBER 3, 6 PM. GUESTS BISHOP EUGENE WEAKLEY AND JUANITA WEAKLEY. Brother Weakley will also be ministering in the Sunday morning service on December 4th.

BETHEL COLLEGE CHRISTMAS CHOIR EVENT: Bethel Renaissance Choir will be performing their Christmas Musical the first two weekends of December on Fridays and Saturdays. This is a free ticketed event. Call Bethel College (731-352-4000) and request tickets and get times. The Musical will be at the old Cumberland Presbyterian Church in McKenzie, TN (just past the square). Jason, our son, is in this group.

I will be prayerfully studying a while before getting to rest sometime later tonight.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great night of rest in the Lord.


Karen's mother, Rosa Lee Tyler, of Clarksville, TN. WE LOVE YOU!

My second child, daughter Heather Hall, (she lives in Westmoreland, TN where she is a member of Lakeside Church of God of Prophecy) with her son Caleb who will be three in December. Courtney, her 8 year old, sitting in the floor. Jason, my son is in the distance looking on. WE LOVE YOU!

My Brother, Tony (who is also a minister preaching at prisons and assisting at his church in Sunbright, TN), his wife Pascha and their twins, Anna and Carrie. WE LOVE YOU!

Courtney and Caleb playing in the floor. WE LOVE YOU!

My mother who is 75 years young. She is a member of the church at Crab Orchard, TN. WE LOVE YOU!

Friday, November 25, 2005


Karen, Jason and I left Wednesday around 10:00 am to be with Sister Rita Moore's Sister, Hope, on her trip to Centenniel Hospital in Nashville. Continue to pray for this family, Hope, her husband and two children. They have been through some very difficult times of sickness and financial strain. Her mom and dad also have been through some very difficult times.

After being with Hope, Karen, Jason and I left around 4:30 pm to visit Karen's mother's home to for a while. We then went to my mothers and visited yesterday and today. We had a great time of being with all my children, my brother, his wife and twins and my sister and her husband. I will post some pictures tomorrow. I am road weary, having travelled since 5 pm this evening.

God bless you is my prayer and have a blessed, restful night in the Lord.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


This morning Sister Karen, Jason and I took a Thanksgiving basket with all the necessary items for a Thanksgiving dinner to Reverand Chuck Burks. He is between churches and has not had a steady income for some time. We were delighted to share with Rev. Burks and his family and know that he is a minister that loves God and would give and has given to those in need. Dr. Burks has pastored and recently started New Life Ministries - a ministry of helping to serve pastors in outreach and biblical principles. God bless the Burks during this time of transition. We join them in prayer as the Lord opens the way for them in ministry.


We are so thankful for God's blessings to us. The church has prepared three Thanksgiving Baskets to share with needy families. Sister Karen and I prepared most of one of the dinners (baked the turkey, cornbread, & chocolate cake) for a family tonight since about 10:00. The turkey will cook bake on low for the rest of the night. Deacon J. E. Moore and Youth Director Paul Rivera will see that the dinner is delivered. This family is very needy and they have three small children. We have also been buying some clothing for the children. We are blessed to be able to give to others.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Sister Josie went through the laser gallbladder surgery fine. We arrived at the hospital in Jackson at 11:30 and greeted brother Paul and daughter Lori. After visiting with them a few minutes I went up to the surgery prep waiting area and prayed with Sister Josie. She was resting and calm when I left. We visited with Paul and Lori in the waiting room and around 1:45 the call came that the surger went well and that she was awake and doing well. The nurses told her she could go home after she finished doctor's orders. She drank some and ate some and seemed to be doing well. We left at 3:15. We were called at 7:10 pm by Lori to let us know that she did not meet doctors criteria to be discharged and will be kept overnight for observation and progress. Lori said she is still nauseated. She will likely be discharged tomorrow after meeting doctor's criteria. Remember her in prayer.

While we were in Jackson we visited with Ronnie Eaton. He and Sister Debbie moved there about 6 weeks ago. They have a beautiful house and lot. We enjoyed a good time of fellowship. Remember the Eatons in prayer as they seek God for direction as to where they will be attending church. They have been attending Jackson Church of God of Prophecy. We miss them here greatly. Both were active leaders in the church. Brother Ronnie in music and Sister Debbie in teaching and Heritage Care. WE LOVE THEM AND MISS THEM! We desire the Lord lead them where HE wants them.


I received this email from Sister Donna Crossno. It is worth reading and passing on.

Paul Harvey's On Air PRAYER

"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free Amen!"

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, "The Rest of the Story," and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called "one nation under God." If possible, please pass this prayer on to your friends. "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything." Think about this: If you forward this prayer to everyone on your e-mail list, in less than 30 days it would be heard by the world.


The Community Thanksgiving Service was held tonight. The First United Methodist Church of Huntingdon hosted the service. There was good fellowship and a good spirit. The Huntingdon High School Choir sang three songs which were great. The message by Mike Bowers was challenging and encouraging. He took his text from Psalm 100. His thought was "Be Thankful In Everything." The offering was received for the Benevolent Fund of the Huntingdon Ministerial Alliance to be used to assist needy families. The service went very well.


Tonight at First United Methodist Church on Highway 22, Huntingdon, TN at 7 pm will be the yearly Thanksgiving service. Preaching will be Mike Bowers of Eastview Baptist Church. He is the newest pastor in the area. Last year I was the newest pastor and had the honor of preaching the service.

The offering tonight will go toward the Benevolent Fund to help need families over the next several months. An offering is received at the Easter and Thanksgiving service each year.

The Huntingdon Ministerial Alliance works together for the spreading of the Gospel, the unity of the believers and the Great Commandment - "By this shall all men know ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another." We thank God for each minister in the HMA. Dr. Paul Millikin, Pastor of the First United Methodist Church is the President, Lynn Stapleton, Pastor of Huntingdon Missionary Baptist Church is the Vice President, Jimmy Furr, West Tennessee Baptist Association Director, is the Secretary and I am the Recording Treasurer. Baptist Hospital Chaplain Jerry Leggett has the meeting room at the hospital reserved each third Tuesday at 8 am for the meeting and the ladies in the hospitl kitchen prepare a delicious breakfast - for which we are very thankful. Other members of the HMA are Roger Patton, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Huntingdon; Rufus Chandler, Pastor, (church info not available at this time); Bryan Oakes, Pastor, Baptist Church; James Humphreys, Retired Baptist Pastor; John Colombus, Pastor First Pentecostal Church; Sister Ruth Nistler, Catholic Church; Chuck Burks, Pastor, New Life Christian Ministries. These are the active members of the HMA at this time.

Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day in the Lord.


Sister Karen and I will be going to Jackson General Hospital (35 mi.) today to visit with Josie Rivera. She is scheduled for surgery at around noon today. Continue to remember our soldiers in the war in Iraq. Pray for our leaders in this country and around the world. Pray for the local church, district, state and international leaders in the church around the world.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Christmas Banquet, Saturday December 3rd at 6 pm. Guests Eugene and Juanita Weakley, former pastor, State Overseer of TN for 14 years, and International Representative for 8 years.

Community Thanksgiving Service: First United Methodist Church, Huntingdon, TN. 7 pm, Tuesday, November 22, 2005. The offering will go into a fund to assist needy families throughout the coming months.

Monday, November 21, 2005


Tonight was another great class of Servant Evangelism taught by Pastor Steve MacDonald of Paris, TN. We were challenged to consider pertinent questions pertaining to being servants of the Lord and trusting Him for the results. "Sewing seeds" was the emphasis as we looked with anticipation on the many and varied ways to reach out and show a simple act of kindness to show God's love. There was a great time of discussing and sharing with each other. Expressions of anticipation spread from one to the other as we talked of plans to show acts of kindness. One church is planning a windshield washing and already has the permission of the department store. One church is planning a coke give away during the holiday season. We desire to be actively involved in this great end time harvest. God loves the sinner so much that He gave His only begotten Son to save them. How much do we love them?

Thanks for stopping by and have a great night of rest in the Lord.


Remember these in prayer. Sister Rita Moore's sister, Hope, who was involved in a car accident and has severe whiplash and Hope's husband who has seizures. Also remember Sister Rita's other sister's, Tabby, husband who is in Iraq and moving to the front lines. These are homebound, Jennie Sanders, Lilly Grooms, Lennie Crossno, & Bonnie Crossno. Sister Marie Moore needs healing from diabetes. Sister Susie Reynolds hurt her knee again from where she had surgery. Sister Carolyn Loggains wants prayer - she is scheduled to have a knee replacement on November 29th. Continue to pray for Mrs. Holland, Virginia Davis, grandmother. She had a stint placed in her heart last Monday. Pray for Judy Reynolds who has been sick with a very stubborn virus. Pray for Delilah Mummel who desires a touch of the Lord. Pray for Josie Rivera who is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning. Pray for the TCBL classes tonight and the Community Thanksgiving Service tommorrow night. Pray for our son, Jason, who continues in Bethel College.

Today I visited with Brother Bill Hall in the hospital. He went in last Thursday and was treated for a mild case of pneumonia. He voice is still very raspy. He has had a voice problem for several weeks now and is supposed to see an ENT specialist tomorrow. Brother Bill said, "I am ready to go now if the Lord wants me too." He is 88 years young and walked two miles a day up until August of this year. I prayed with him. He was very appreciative and thanked the church for prayer.

Pray that revival will break out and spread throughout the community of Huntingdon and Carroll County.

Pray that Sister Karen will find some part-time or full-time employment. She is a licensed school teacher in Tennessee and has not found anything permanent open and/or offered within an hour of our home since we moved here. Today she went to an employment agency and filled out an applicaton. We trust God to supply our needs.

Thanks for stopping by and may the Lord bless you is my prayer. God is AWESOME!

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Thank God for great Sunday Services. The Lord's presence was very evident. People came to the altar to give thanks to the Lord and express their thanksgiving for all His bountiful blessings. We are so thankful to HIM for WHO HE is and all HE is. HE is the GREAT I AM! The message was "Victorious Life in Christ Through Thanksgiving." Text was
"Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful."

It was good to see the Davis family with us again . Mr. and Mrs. Davis were in the altar giving thanks to the Lord. This is their second Sunday to be with us and we are so thankful that God has sent them our way. Mrs. Virginia Davis is the owner and manager of the daycare just a few houses up the street from the church. WE GIVE THEM A HEARTY WELCOME!

There were others in the altar as the presence of the Lord was so very close. Hands were raised in praise, tears of joy flowed as people worshipped the Lord.

Sunday evening the Lord's presence was very evident again. The message was, "Victorious Life in Christ Also in Power." Text was 1 Thess. 1:5 " For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake." Sister Susie Reynolds and Sister Carolyn Loggains were prayed for by other sisters as the presence of the Lord flowed. We give praise, honor and glory to the Lord.

Thanks for stopping by and May the Lord bless you is my prayer.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


It is late but I am going to study, meditate and pray for some time for the message tomorrow, "Victorious Life in Christ Through Thanksgiving." It is my prayer that God will bless the church here at Huntingdon with all the families and friends. We are seeking God for His manifestation as He chooses and knows how to do. We love all the members and friends here and pray that God will bless them and that they will get closer to God each day.

There are many who need the Lord. Only He can fill the longing the hearts of those who need Him. "Dear Lord, help me as your servant to love as you would have me love and care as you would have me care. . . ."


Karen and I just got home from the trip to Brother and Sister Weakley's 50th Anniversary Celebration. Many friends and family were there. Jeana, the Weakley's daughter, did a fantastic job of getting everything together. The setting, the flowers, the cake, the food - it was all just great! Thank God for this couple who has touched the lives of so many. We love and appreciate you very much. Karen and Milton Gordon.

Then Karen and I went to Chucky Cheese and enjoyed a time with our oldest daughter and husband, Danita and Shane Queener, and our youngest daughter and husband Sarah and Chris Holman and their two children KeYante and Aviana. Today we celebrated KeYante's 5th birthday. Today was also Courtney's birthday my oldest grandchild who is 8 today, but Heather Hall, my second daughter, could not get her there since she had a some friends over the night before and was very tired. We missed them but had a great time. We sent Courtney's birthday present to her with Danita. We had a great day and love all our family. Love Mom and Dad, Mamaw and Papaw.


Today is our oldest grandchild's, Courtney Hall, birthday. She is 8 today and is a 2nd grader. Monday is our grandson's, KeYante Holman, birthday. He will be 5 and is a pre-schooler. We are meeting them in Murfreesboro at 5 pm today to celebrate. We are very exited. We are getting ready to leave around 10 am and its about a three hour drive.

We are also going to Eugene and Juanita Weakley's 5oth anniversary celebration in Murfreesboro from 2-4 pm. We are very exited about this too and look forward to seeing them and others at the anniversary.

I have to also finish studying for tomorrow's message. I am preaching a series of messages on "Victorious Life in Christ." Tomorrow will be "Victorious Life in Christ Through Thanksgiving."

Well its a little after 8 am and we must get ready and go. Thanks for stopping by and may God bless you is my prayer.

Friday, November 18, 2005


Sister Karen and I went to the Huntingdon/Milan 2a quarterfinal football game last night. It was a great game. It was cold and we bundled up several layers of clothes and took a quilt too. There was prayer offered by a student before the game and a group sung the "Star Spangled Banner." Here is how I saw the game.

Huntingdon jumped out to an early 14-0 lead with two TD runs and a 2 point conversion after the 2nd TD. Milan came back near the end of the half and scored two TDs. Huntingdon kicked a field goal late and at the half it was 17 to 14 with Huntingdon in the lead. The momentum changed back and forth between the teams in the first half.

After the half, Milan moved the ball well, scored again and had the momentum for most of the second half. It was 21 to 17 for much of the 3rd and 4th quarter - Milan leading. Each team struggled on offence after Milan scored a TD and extra point fairly early in the 3rd quarter. It was an exiting game as the score was very close throughout most of the game. Milan was moving close to a score with about 3 minutes left in the game but was held and had to punt. Huntingdon had the ball with just over two minutes left. After a couple runs of several yards, a long pass was thrown and caught for a touchdown. The extra point was good and Huntingdon led at 24-21 with just over 1 minute to play. Milan came out seemingly poised and ready to go again. The first play was a 20 something yard throw and was caught. As the reciever started to run the ball came out and a Huntingdon player dived on the ball. Huntingdon had the ball with about 50 seconds left.

Milan was stunned but did not give up. They had all their timeouts and as Huntingdon ran the ball to run out the clock Milan used their timeouts. After two plays there was about 35 seconds left and it was 3rd down. The next play sealed the game as a Huntingdon running back came up the middle and ran for over 50 yards for a TD. The final score was Huntindon 31, Milan 21. We had a great time cheering on the Huntingdon team.

Sister Karen and I enjoy being out in the community, meeting people and enjoying community activities. We saw James and Sharon Davidson (members of our church) there and some other faces we have seen but did not know their names. It was a great evening.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless you is my prayer.


Brother Paul Rivera came by early this morning to get the church van ready for the youth to go to Powerhouse at our Dickson Campground - Camp Hickory Hills. There is around 12 going from the Huntingdon area. Seven are going from Huntingdon CoGoP and 5 from Solid Rock Church. Thanks Brother Paul and the youth for their involvement in this great yearly event.


City officials, church leaders, and citizens of Carroll County came for the opening event of the Dixie Carter Performing Arts & Academic Enrichment Center. The local group "All Walks Of Life" opened with two patriotic songs, America The Beautiful & God Bless America. They also sang This Little Light of Mine. This all men's group of 8 sang with great harmony.

Local ministers and pastors then offered Scripture readings and prayers. Then the highlight of the evening was the singing of the "Chuck Wagon Gang." Their special style of gospel music was especially inspiring with great harmony and singing of favorite older gospel songs such as "Ill Fly Away," "Church In The Wildwood," and "Echoes From The Burning Bush." The "Chuck Wagon Gang" have been singing for over 70 years and have sold over 39 million records, tapes and CDs. The emcee for the "Gang" told stories of their history. The song "Ill Fly Away" was sent to a gospel group who sent it back the writer Albert Brumley. They told him, "we can't use it." It discourged Mr. Brumley and he laid it on a shelf where it lay for 16 years and was later sent to the "Chuck Wagon Gang." They recorded it first and it has been recorded by artists over a 1,000 times since. There were other stories too lengthy to tell here.

It was a great, inspirational evening. I read James 1:17 and Psalms 105:1.


Greetings. I visited Mrs. Holland this week. Her surgery to have a stint placed in her heart went well. I had prayer with her and Mr. Holland. Remember Jennie Sanders, Bonnie Crossno, Lennie Crossno, Lilly Grooms in prayer as these are "home bound."

Also pray for the youth as they prepare to get ready to go to Powerhouse at our Dickson Campground.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


The services Sunday were great. God was very present. WE thank and praise HIM for WHO HE IS and all HE IS HE IS THE GREAT I AM!

We were glad to see the Davis family with us again. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were in the altar. Mrs. Davis owns and operates the daycare just a few houses up the street. WELCOME TO THE DAVIS FAMILY WE ARE SO GLAD YOU ARE COMING TO OUR CHURCH!

There were people in the altar seeking the Lord after the message. It was awesome to see people raising their hands and lifting their hearts in praise to the GREAT I AM!

I continue to preach the series "Victorious Life In Christ." We are victorious in Christ because of of His great love for us. Sunday am was "Victorious Life in Christ Through Thanksgiving." Sunday pm was "Victorious Life in Christ - In Power."

Thanks for stopping by and God bless you is my prayer.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


The yearly Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at the First United Methodist Church, 201 Asbury Drive, Huntingdon, TN. The speaker is Mike Bowers of East View Baptist Church with singing by the Huntingdon High School Choir. This is sponsored by the Huntingdon Ministerial Alliance.

The offering will be received to go into the benevolent fund to help needy families with food, heating fuel, electricity and water bills, etc. All are invited. The newest pastor in the community serves as the speaker for these services. Everyone is invited.

COMMUNITY BUILDING DEDICATION - Thursday, November 17, 7 pm

The town of Huntingdon will have a dedication ceremony for the new Fine Arts Building that has been completed on the town square. Community leaders, pastors, political leaders, and citizens will be gathered for this event. The "Chuck Wagon Gang" will be performing. Pastors have been asked to read a pertinent scripture and make a one minute brief comment.


Thank God for a blessed meeting at church tonight. The lesson was "Victorious Life in Christ - Through Trials, Tests and Temptations." God was present and we were blessed.

Rember these in prayer. Eathan, Jennie Sanders, Mrs. Holland, Lennie Mae Crossno, Bonnie Crossno, Susie Reynolds, Marie Moore, Travis Moore, Carolyn Loggains and The Youth who are Traveling to Power House this weekend and other non-spoken prayer requests.


Greetings! What a glorious day to be alive in the Lord! Today I am praying and studying for the mid-week service. I am praying about a series of message entitled, "Victorious Life In Christ."

Sister Karen continues to crochet items for Christmas presents for different family members as she prays silently for them and the people here in Huntingdon (she tells me she prays for the one who she is crocheting for along with prayer for others).

Jason left for college around 7:15 this morning. He seems to be enjoying the singing group that he is in at Bethel College. We miss him in church when he is gone on the weekends to sing at various places. He has traveled to Kentucky, Illinois and local places. He tells me they have a time scheduled at some places in New York and possibly in Europe next Summer. This past Sunday night they sang in Jackson, TN at an African American church. Jason said, "they stood on the first song and kept standing the whole time and really got into it." He says they sing at churches that are reserved and quiet and at churches that clap, stand and really get into it. I wonder if most denominations have a mixture like that. Maybe it is not so obvious in pentecostal holiness churches?????

I am also continuing to study and write on papers in the Doctor of Ministry degree that I am enrolled in.

Brother Stanley Reynolds has asked me to make a witnessing video tape that he can transfer to CD's to give to people that he meets. I will be working on that today. This will be a first adventure for me. I am praying that it will reach out to many who need the Lord. Sister Karen and I will be visiting some too today.

Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day in the Lord.


This morning at 8:00 am Sister Karen and I attended the Huntingdon Ministerial Alliance (HMA) monthly meeting held at the Huntingdon Baptist Memorial Hospital. I am serving as Recording Treasurer this year for the HMA (two Secretaries write checks and pay bills). We discussed the upcoming Community Thanksgiving Service which is to be held at the First United Methodist Church in Huntingdon. We discussed some of the benevolent assistance that is provided through the joint efforts of the offerings received in the Thanksgiving and Easter Services. These funds have assisted needy families in keeping their electricity on, paying for heating fuel, gasoline and groceries. The funds also assist transient travelers who need help in getting to their destination. We enjoyed a good breakfast provided by the hospital dining services and a good time of fellowhip. We work together to minister to our community.

After the meeting Sister Karen and I visited Sister Jennie Sanders and took her some needed items. We had a good visit and a good time of prayer.

This afternoon all across Tennessee and Kentucky (and other states) there were thunderstorms and tornadoes. Huntingdon was under a tornado warning for about an hour. For safety reasons, we were warned to go inside and stay for most of the afternoon and evening. Paris, our neighboring town North of here, was hit by a tornado with some structural damage and some minor injuries. Clarksville, where Karen's mother lives, was also hit but with no serious injuries and only some structural damage.

Strong winds and rains hit here around 2:30-3:00 pm today. As the winds blew and the rain pelted the parking lot, car lights begin to shine in our storm door. A few people stopped in and took shelter in the basement of the church. Sister Karen and I watched the clouds, the wind and the rain and were ready to head to the basement but no real serious wind came. The wind blew around 40 mph for about 2-3 minutes and it was mostly over.

It is in natural stormy times that our feeling of need for physical security is heightened. There are other storms that blow in life and it is in those times that the Master of the sea and of the storms is present to calm and assure his children. There are many out there in the storm of their life who need to come to know the Master of all storms (spiritual, emotional, mental, financial or whatever the storm is). As the song says, "He will calm the troubled waters of your soul. . . ." To HIM be glory forever and forever!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by and God bless you is my prayer. . .


Dear Folks,

On January 26-27, we will be having a joint service with us and the Church of God to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first Assembly. Since both churches have roots in this particular Assembly that took place at Fields Of The Wood, we felt it might be good to jointly celebrate.We will share these special moments in our history in a two day joint celebration.

Thursday, January 26th will be in a heated tent on the grounds near the First Assembly House, beginning at 2:30 p.m. and ending around 4:30 p.m. The General Overseer and Executive Committee of the Church of God will join with our International Staff, State Overseers and other leadership of the Church of God of Prophecy to celebrate this landmark in our history.

On Friday, January 27th, we will meet in Cleveland at the North Cleveland Church of God at 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. for the celebration to continue.This is the year of the First Assembly, but it is also the year of the historical revival that led to the organizing of the Church of God in Cleveland.Bishop Perry E. Gillum will be in charge of coordinating the meeting, along with Bishop Wayne Hall, for the Fields of the Wood celebration.Dr. Paul Walker will be coordinating the North Cleveland meeting.Both General Overseers will be speaking at both meetings.

This is a special time … something that will not happen again in your lifetime. Please make your plans to be present.

Thank you so much,

Fred S. Fisher, Sr

Visit the Church of God of Prophecy International Offices here. . .

Monday, November 14, 2005

Tennessee Center For Biblical Leadership

Today Sister Karen and I took some time for rest and relaxation. I did some paper work and rested in between. It was a peaceful, quiet day around the parsonage.
Tonight was the continuation of the Tennessee Center for Biblical Leadership. Pastor Steve MacDonald continued with lessons from the book Conspiracy of Kindness by Steve Sjorgen. We were challenged to set goals in servant evangelism that would be fun, realistic and successful - not unrealistic goals about winning a certain number by presenting a strictly structured high pressured gospel presentation or seeking for numerical results that can be tabulated on a report somewhere. We were challenged seek the Lord and to let the Holy Spirit do His work in the evangelism process. We enjoyed our time of class discussion and the principles that were taught. Those from different churches expressed ideas of what they would be planning to do as a servant evangelism project.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great evening with the Lord!

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Today's services were great. This morning there were several visitors. Mr. Davis, his son, daughter-in-law and 3 grandchildren were present. This was their first visit to our services. Mr. Davis's wife was sick and unable to attend today. We anointed a prayer cloth to send to her. I visited her at her daycare earlier in the week and prayed with her. Also Mr. Rex and Mrs. Lori Worman were present. This was their first visit to our services. They came forward for prayer. We prayed for Mrs. Worman to be healed of "tennis elbow" and Mr. Warmon wanted prayer just to thank the Lord. God visited in a speacial way.

Today's message was "Treasure Of The Heart" and it dealt with stewardship. God was very present as people came forward for prayer for various needs in their lives. We are so thankful for God and who He is, all He is and is doing here at Huntingdon. We pray that He will continue to help us move forward in the work here.

After the morning service, Sister Karen and I had lunch with Don Van Meter, Cathey Boone, Tristen (Cathey's little grandson), James Moore, Rita Moore and Travis Moore. We had a great time of fellowship. Tristen kept us all laughing and enjoying his toddler antics.

Tonight was our monthly singing. Each person who wanted to sing was invited to sing. Sister Delilah Mummel sang a couple songs that stirred our hearts. Cathy Coleman sang an old song, "He Will Set Your Fields On Fire" - it was a blessing. Each one of the others present chose a song to sing and several gave personal testimonies. God blessed as we worshipped Him.

Upcoming dates and events: Community Thanksgiving/Christmas Banquet, Saturday, December 3, 6:00 pm. The church is providing this for all who desire to come.

Servant Evangelism Project: Windshield Washing, Fred's Parking Lot, December 10, 1-3 pm. (weather permitting) We will be washing windshilds as an expression of God's love and kindness (no money accepted) and will be giving each one a card or note showing where our church is.

TCBL: Monday Nights, 6:30-9:30 pm. Taught by Pastor Steven MacDonald, Paris, TN Church of God of Prophecy. These classes are teaching Servant Evangelism.

Thanks for stopping by and may God bless you is my prayer.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Greetings! This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Today I will be continuing to work on the messages for tomorrow's services. Stewardship is very much a part of the word of God and often people do not really understand the powerful principles involved in stewardship. Randy Alcorn wrote a little book called "The Treasure Principle." Here are some of the principles he lifts up.

1. God sees our faith and finances as seperable.

2. Storing up earthly treasures isn't simply wrong. It's just plain stupid.

3. God owns everything. I'm His money manager.

4. Giving isn't the luxury of the rich. It's a privilege of the poor.

5. My heart always goes where I put God's money.

6. Heaven, not earth, is my home.

7. Giving is the only antidote to materialism.

8. God prospers me not to raise my standard of living, but to raise my standard of giving.

As we trust God with what He has given us and as we serve as good stewards, God will be with us in our work for him.

Trials and tests come our way not to destroy us but to refine us. "Count it All Joy" is another message for another time - perhaps Sunday evening 11/13, seeking God's leading.

We are reaching out to our community with servant evangelism. In the near future we will be doing a project in the Fred's parking lot to show God's love. Permission has been granted from the Fred's manager and we are going to wash windshields to show God's love.

Thanks for stopping by and may the Lord bless you is my prayer.

Friday, November 11, 2005


Greetings! Today I visited the day care just a few doors up the street. It was a pleasure to meet Virginia Davis the owner and operator and to offer prayer with her and to also offer some volunteer service. We enjoyed a good time of converstaion and fellowship. I also visited with her grandfather and grandmother who lives just past her and prayed with them. Remember her grandmother, Mrs. Holland, in prayer. She goes in to Jackson Medical Center to have a stint put in her heart on Monday, 11/14.

Tonight, Sister Karen and I attended a revival at the Solid Rock Ministries Church where Brother Bobby Jordan is the Pastor. Brother Jordan has attended our services and has been a great blessing to our church. The service tonight was charged with the presence of the Lord. People were in the altar seeking God. Brother Floyd, the evangelist, preached a powerful message on "Don't Stagger At the Promises of God." We were greatly blessed.

Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed rest of the night and day tomorrow.


It has been a few days since I posted. On Tuesday of this week I went by the Missionary Baptist Church on Highway 22 and visited with fellow minister and Pastor Lynn Stapleton. Lynn is in the Huntingdon Ministerial Alliance along with myself and other local ministers. I appreciate Lynn and his friendship. He is helping me by proctoring my doctoral exams. Thanks Brother Lynn!

Our Wednesday evening service was great. We had a demonstration by Sister Donna Crossno about how a Christian is like a pumpkin. When God gets through cleaning us out he puts a great big smile on our face. We sang and worshipped God with testimonies and songs for over an hour. The presence of the Lord was awesome.

Yesterday, Thursday, sister Karen and I visited with Brother James and Sister Rita Moore. He is the Sunday School Director and she is clerk and treasurer. We had a great visit. Then we went and visited with Brother J. E. and Sister Marie Moore. We had a great visit there. Brother Moore keeps us laughing with his sense of humor and way he "cuts up" with folks. We love each of you and pray for you.

Monday, November 07, 2005


This year in the Tennessee Center for Bibilical Leadership our study course is dealing with Servant Evangelism with a text called Conspiracy of Kindness by Steve Sjogren. The class meets each Monday evening at 6:30 pm in November. Servant Evangelism is a method that emphasizes reaching out to people by doing small deeds of kindness with God's great love. These projects can be done by just about anyone who wants to show God's love in a practical way.

We were blessed as Pastor Steve MacDonald, Pastor at Paris, facilitated and taught our group. We were challenged to be examples by showing these acts of kindness. Each class member expressed their exitement about getting involved in these types of projects.

We had a great time of discussion and also had a time of fellowship and enjoyed refreshments as we continued to discuss various plans for doing Servant Evangelism projects.

We pray the attitude of serving others will "catch on" with all of our people. It is amazing how a small act of kindness, done to show someone God's great love, will plant a seed that will grow in them to bring them to Jesus.

We thank Sister Londa Richardson, TCBL Director, and Dr. E. C. McKinley, State Overseer, for their efforts in getting this study to us. Click on the header above or here to get to the Tennesse State Web Site of the Church of God of Prophecy.

Thanks for stopping by and may the Lord bless you.


Today we give honor to senior Members J. C. and Brownie Palmer. Brother Palmer is a former pastor of 49 years in the Church of God of Prophecy. Sister Palmer has been in the church for many years too. Brother and Sister Palmer are faithful members. This page would fail in time and space to write all the good things about Brother and Sister Palmer. When I think of Brother Palmer, I think of John's writings in the scripture. Brother Palmer always tells me, "I love you." 1 John 4:7 says, Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. I am thankful for these precious Senior members. It is a joy to visit in their home and be their pastor and family. WE LOVE YOU!

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Today was a great day in the worship of the Lord. We had a great time as we came together to pray, study, sing and give to the Lord. God was very present. Our hearts were uplifted as we felt His presence moving among us. Thank God for the Holy Ghost and all He is and does in our lives. He comforts, teaches, guides into all truth, shows us of Jesus, shows us things to come and gives power for service. THANK GOD AND JESUS FOR THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST!

After service we went to eat at Papa's Pizza in McKenzie with Don Van Meter, Cathy Boone, and Judy and Stanley Reynolds. Judy does our church decorations throughout the year and does a great job as the seasons and holidays change. I noticed the fall colors that she decorated the church with recently. The decorations are beautiful. Stanley is our Media person and takes pictures and videos. He is disabled but he continues to do all he can for the Lord and others. He videos and makes CD's and shares special services, sermons, homecomings, and takes pictures to give to people. Thank God for these two special ministries. WE LOVE YOU BROTHER STANLEY AND SISTER JUDY!

The service tonight was great! We remembered our Savior's cruel death and what He did for us on the cross by partaking in the Lord's Supper. Then we had a glorious time of feet washing as we followed our Lord's example of washing one another's feet. There were shouts of joy and praises to God as tears flowed. We are thankful that we can follow Christ's example of servanthood. O HOW HAPPY HE MAKES US IN OUR DAILY RELATIONSHIP AND SERVICE TO HIM!

Thanks for Stopping by and do have a blessed day!

Saturday, November 05, 2005


The past few days have been great. Thursday we visited with the Rivera family, Paul, Josie and Lori. Paul is the Youth Director and sings with the Worship Team. Lori sings great special songs and sings with the Worship team. WE LOVE YOU!
Yesterday and today have been great days for Sister Karen and I. We enjoyed greatly the singing by the Bethel Renaissance Choir and the Bethel Chorale. Jason, our son is in both groups. The songs were very uplifting as the Choir "raised the rafters" with praise songs. There were Hymnals written by Fannie Crosby, Contemporary worship songs, Bluegrass songs, love songs from the 50's and there was also a Mime Worship Group. We went to the choir program Friday night and Saturday night. We went to the Chorale program today. The Chorale dressed and sang in Medieval Costumes and sang songs of that day. This was mine and Karen's first time to hear the groups since Jason started to college at Bethel College in McKenzie, TN, in August this year. He is attending on a music scholarship and we are very "proud" of him. The best word I can use to describe the Renaissance singing program is GREAT! Anyone who can go see them would be blessed. They are performing over 100 times throughout this school year in different cities across the United States and a possible singing tour in Europe next Summer.

Also this afternoon around 2-3 pm we visited with Cathy and Don at Don's new house in Sharon, TN. It is an awesome place there with giant trees. The fall colors were great. Don Van Meter had his birthday party today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DON!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Greetings! Today we honor another senior member. Yesterday (Wed. 11/02/05), Sister Gordon and I visited with another senior member, Sister Lennie Crossno. Sister Lennie remembers when the church worshipped in the basement and remembers when the present sanctuary was built. She says, "I miss coming to church but I do pray for you." Sister Lennie has been a member for about 50 years and remembers when Brother Leonard Hamm and Brother W. F. Guire pastored back in the late 50's and early 60's. She gave us some encouragement by saying, "I hope the Lord sends many souls for your labor." She tells us to hurry back and gives us an encouraging word as we leave. We had a great time of prayer together before we left.

Thanks for stopping by and if you want to communicate with me just click on the comment button below or email me here Please, no profanity or rude remarks. GOD BLESS YOU IS MY PRAYER!

NOTE: Sister Karen and I will be taking communion to all those who are "home bound" on at least one of our visits throughout the year.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Today's scripture is found in Psalms 37:25 I was young and now am old, yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. God is faithful to His children. In the 30 plus years that I have been in ministry, God has always supplied every need. He will not forsake His children and He will meet the needs - not every whim and want - of His children.


This past Saturday we visited Sister Bonnie (Crossno) Curtis. Today we are giving honor to her as one of our senior members. Sister Bonnie is 85 years young and says she has been a member of the church about 50 years. She remembers coming to the church first when Brother Beacham was the Pastor. She remembers when Brother Leonard Hamm was there and built the sanctuary over the basement sometime in the mid to late 50's. Sister Bonnie was married to the late Ebert Crossno (a member of the church for about 35 years) and to the late Wyman Curtis. Sister Bonnie said, "Both my husbands were very good to me and loved the Lord very much." Sister Bonnie is not able to come to church but she loves the Lord. She says, "I am looking forward to being in heaven with Jesus and my loved ones who have gone on." Sister Bonnie has six children - four already in heaven and two living. She has several grandchildren and some great-granchildren. There is a picture of one of her great-grandaughters behind her in the picture above. It is Kevin Crossno's first child. We have a great time of fellowship and prayer when we visit her in the Huntingdon Rehabilitation Center.

Sister Karen and I took Communion to Sister Bonnie and served it to her. She rejoiced in the Lord for some time as tears flowed down her face saying, "Thank you Jesus over and over." WE LOVE YOU SISTER BONNIE.

Sister Bonnie and Sister Karen have a humorous moment when I asked them to say glory hallelujah before taking the picture.