Saturday, August 09, 2008

Cathy Coleman Update

Karen spoke on the phone to some of Cathy's family. Cathy's sister, Vickie Lawrence, says that she spoke to Cathy on the phone and Cathy knew her. She said that Cathy also talked to her mom and she knew her mom.

Angie, Cathy's daughter, says that Cathy is walking with a walker with some assistance. Her feeding tube has been removed and she is eating well enough to sustain her. Angie reported that she has times of clarity and others times when she continues to be confused. Angie informed Karen that she would be checking later today and would give us any more information that we do not have.

We continue to pray for Sister Cathy and her family. They desire continued prayer and thank all who have prayed, are praying and for all the calls, kind words, and any other acts of kindness.

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