Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Book - "Its Time To Cross The Jordan"

I purchased the four books by the J. Doug Stringer. This past week I have read the book noted above. This has been a very challenging book with focus on commitment to a relationship with Jesus Christ and to reaching the lost and ministering to the body of Christ. I highly recommend this book. The author, J. Doug Stringer, ministered twice at our International Assembly in Nashville, TN last week. The following is an excerpt and the closing paragraph of his book.

"About 60-70% of the kids I talk to at rock concerts say they have had church experiences. I ask them why they go and sing songs against God and do the things that are just lawless? They say, 'It's the power and electricity."
My question is, 'Where is the power and electricity in the Church?' I know it's available and I'm going to press in to find it. I've seen God move more on the streets than in some of the churches at times. At least out there they know they're in dire need of God's grace and mercy. They know they're sinners. But we've got a bunch of polished-over Laodicean Christians in the Church." page 168

"Living on the edge is the place of complete satisfaction. There are so many distractions and diversions in our lives; things that will keep us from the place of pressing into the Lord Jesus Christ, to being the witnesses that he want us to be in the ways we live and in the things we say and do. We need to press into Jesus and live on the edge according to what He has told us to do in His word. It's the only living that's worth living. Everything that you are really looking for can only be found in Jesus." page 170

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