Friday, August 04, 2006


Lindsey McKinley, our State Overseer's daughter, was in an automobile mishap. She is doing fairly well but x-rays show that she has a seperated shoulder. Pray for Lindsey and for the McKinleys during this time.

Also pray for Sister Jennie Sanders who has edema in her feet. Pray for Sister Bonnie Curtis who has swelling in her legs and feet. Pray for family members here who need to make a commitment to the Lord. Pray for the upcoming General Assembly that God will direct and that it will "seem good to the Holy Ghost and to us" in the business and polity decisions.

I woke up yesteday with pain in my left kidney and urinary tract. I was advised after the last major surgery that I had in 1994, there would be recurring urinary infections. So far the prognosis has been correct. On average I have one every 8 weeks, I have gone as much as six months without one. The doctors seem to think it will get worse and I am under constant care. Yesterday, the pain started at about a 2 out of a scale of 10 but by 11 am the pain was hitting 8/10. I called around 8:30 am to get some antibiotics and finally Karen picked them up about 5 pm. I was lying down most of the day yesterday with only intermittent bathroom requirements. Deacon J. E. Moore came by the house about 11:30 am. He prayed with me. Thank God for understanding and caring members.

Today I am very weak but the pain and fever have mostly subsided. It is raining here today and I continue to move around so that my strength will come back sooner since, as we know, "either use it or lose it."

Your prayers are appreciated. . .


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