Sunday, March 01, 2009


The pending winter storm warning held some of our folks inside last night but to those who came out for the revival, God certainly blessed. The altar filled up with seekers after a great message encouraging each one to focus on receiving what God has in store for us. Evangelist Tim Farmer reminded us that Elisha would not be deterred from receiving what God had for him even though he had to stay with Elijah through several places that Elijah had to go for his final mission from God. No matter what may try to come between us and what God wants for us, we must focus on receiving from him. Many examples were given on those recorded in the New Testament Gospels, who would not be stopped from crying out, reaching out or getting to Jesus and touching Him with faith - believing that He would meet their need. We can do no less today! THANK GOD FOR THIS GREAT TIME OF REVIVAL! MAY HE RECEIVE ALL THE GLORY! The revival continues this morning at 11 am. . .

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