Saturday, February 28, 2009


We are thanking the Lord for a great night of revival on the first night. Visitors were present from Camden Church of God of Prophecy, Jackson Church of God of Prophecy and Faith In Christ in Huntingdon, and Huntingdon Church of God of Prophecy. We appreciate the visitors and those who joined with us in the revival service last night and sang special songs. The presence of the Lord was very evident as people worshipped and rejoiced in the Lord. The message by Evangelist, Tim Farmer, was challenging and encouraging. The message challenged each one to "come out of their wilderness" and "enter into their promise land." He reminded us that many Christians get "bound by the past or the future." He challenged us to seek God for "what God wants to do now in each one's life now." The altar filled up after the message as people were seeking the Lord. We are continuing in revival expecting from the Lord as we worship Him and glorify him.

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