Friday, October 13, 2006


What a great time we enjoyed tonight at the Fishers of Men Fish Fry. Thanks to each one who donated and worked hard to make this a success. Brother Leon and Sister Susie Reynolds donated the fish they caught throughout the summer and others gave dessert, drinks, side items and a lot of friendly smiles. What a great time we had tonight. The last count we had, there was almost $600.00 raised and some was still not in. The fish was exceptionally good, some of the best I have ever tasted.

The Spivey family enjoying their family time and the food. The fish was complemented by everyone as some of the best they'd ever tasted.

James Davidson and family with the Moores.

Jeremy and Delilah Mummel and some lady sitting with her back turned would not look. Everyone complemented the fish.

Josie the ticket and money taker.

Sister Marie Moore's new neighbors came. Dillion on the end, Natalie hiding her face and their mother. . .Sister Marie is in the middle.

Some new faces that we enjoyed serving. . . .Several came that were new. . . .

People started coming in at 4 o'clock and soon the dining hall was buzzing with happy folks. The dining hall was filled at least three different times with different folks throughout the evening.

Sister Donna Crossno and one of the newer little ones - Tricia's baby boy and Sister Cathy VanMeter's grandson, Kenau.

Very dedicated, hard workers who don't quit until the last clean-up is done. Josie Rivera, Susie Reynolds and Paul Rivera. Some of the best local church leaders in the whole world.

Brandon and Tricia full of food just relaxing with baby Kenau.

We are an item. Daniel Laws and Lorie Rivera. . . .

We beez best friends. . . .

Boy, that sure was good fish. Wonder if they have any more for the Moore man? J. E. Moore and Michael Coleman.

New face at Huntingdon CoGoP - Joseph Daniel Rhodes. . . .Joseph requests prayer since he is homeless and also needs a job.

The fish cooker, Leon Reynolds, and cook Gracie Flores work hard in this effort.

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