Friday, July 08, 2005

Greetings. Yesterday, 7/7/05, I went with my wife to support her as she interviewed (10:30 am & 1:30 pm) at two schools for a teaching position in the Paris, TN area. She said the interviews went well and she hopes to hear from one of her interviews. She has had several interviews in the area. After the interviews Sister Gordon and I stopped by to see one of the members, Debbie Eaton, at her office for a few minutes. We enjoyed the visit with her. Then we went to the McKenzie Nursing Home facility and visited with another member Sister Lenne Mae Crossno. She expressed her gratitude that we came by. We encouraged her and prayed with her. Then we came home for a time of rest and had a meal.

Around 4:30 pm Deacon J. E. Moore called. He was over working on the new property that the church purchased a couple years ago. He is using his and his son's equipment to landscape the property. The property is beginning to look great. We have plans of building a new multi-purpose building, a pavilion, and classrooms. While there I helped pick up loose stumps and sticks and threw them in a fire. I left there and came back home.

I continued in my studies in the Doctorate of Ministry program from Trinity Seminary for an hour or so and then got ready to go the church league softball game at 8:30 pm. We have about 20 adult persons participating in this. The games are for fun and fellowship. It is a co-ed league and equal males and females have to play. We played the McKenzie Church of Christ. They played very well and won by 22 to 13. That makes our record 2 wins and 2 losses. After the game my wife and I talked with some of the church members for about an hour.

We got home at about 10:45 pm and I studied and meditated again for about an hour. I retired around 12 midnight remember drifting off to sleep around 1230 am.

At 6 am today I began with writing a letter that I needed to get done and working on some church business. I am continuing in the doctorate studies and also preparing for this coming Sunday Services. God is awesome! Thanks for stopping by and stop again.

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