Sunday, September 21, 2008

Visits and Prayer Requests

Continued prayer for revival, evangelization and discipleship are needed here at our church.

Sister Jennie Sanders continues to request prayer. She continues in Huntingdon Health and Rehabilitation Center. We enjoyed visiting with her today and had a time of prayer. She always encourages us with her spirit of prayer and uplifting words.

Brother Jimmie Davis has been having severe coughing to thepoint of loosing his breath and passing out. We visited and prayed with him today. He and Sister Virginia request prayer.

Sister Marie Moore continues to request prayer for her health. She is having severe pain and cramping in one of her hands.

Sister Susie Reynolds is sick and requests prayer. Her granddaughter, Celinas, has been sick as well and requests prayer.

My second child, Heather, requests prayer. Her husband, Sammy, will be laid off of work next week and is need of another emloyer. They have two small children along with all the bills of a young family - car, house, etc. etc.

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