Monday, September 08, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer for the "Cry Out America" prayer gathering that we will sense God's presence and pray according to His passions and will. Prayer that God's presence will ingnite in our area a passion for prayer, for the lost and for continued growth in Him and His word.

Jennie Sanders continues to be in Huntingdon Health and Rehab. She desires continued prayer.

Darrell, who prayed the sinners prayer a couple weeks ago, called and wants another visit. Pray that our local church can continue to reach out to this young man.

Brandie and her two children desire continued prayer.

Former State Overseer of Tennessee wife, Juanita Weakley, requests prayer. Tests have showed a small cancer in her colon. Sister Weakly has prayed for many and has been a friend to many in this state.

Carl Morgan and family, from Crossroads church in White Bluff, TN, desire prayer. Sister Morgan died suddenly of a heart attack. He is a Deacon and she has been a member of the church for many years.

Several church members are requesting prayer. Sister Lilly Grooms, Sister Mildred Stacey, Sister Donna Crossno, Sister Marie Moore, Sister Mildred Lawerence and continued prayer for Sister Cathy Coleman as she goes through rehabilitation in the Shepherd Center in Atlanta.

My daughter, Sarah, has a special request. Her house cat that she had for three years had to be put down about an hour ago. He was beyond medical help. I helped her bury him. He was a friendly indoor cat and was a special friend to Sarah. She is going through a time of loss and grief.

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