Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Today was a special day to remember military men and women who serve our nation. I shared with the congregation a little about my uncle J. D. Thompson who was a Marine in World War II.
His two brothers were drafted into the military and he had a furlough to farm but volunteered for military service anyway. He was sent to Guam where he fought bravely and was wounded severely and left for dead. He was found after searchers heard him groan. He came back to the states and was in medical treatment for six months. He lost one eye, several fingers, shrapnel all in his body and his heart was moved out of its normal place in his chest cavity.

Although he wrestled with suicidal feelings and wanted to die with the rest of those who had given their lives on Guam, he finally came back home where he rejoined his wife. They were not Christians at the time but in a revival a few years later his wife, Hilda, was saved and later J. D. was saved. J. D. later accepted the call to the ministry and served as a licensed evangelist for most of his adult life. He also pastored about 15 years at churches including, Rockwood, Mt. Crest, and Pikeville (there may have been others). He also served as Assistant Pastor at Crab Orchard for several years and adult Sunday School Teacher.

He has gone on to his reward (he died a couple years ago at the age of 80). I sent him a card several years on Memorial Day. We gave honor to our military today and to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who fought the greatest battle ever.

We observed communion today to honor the Captain of our Salvation. Thank God for His sacrifice.

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