Monday, December 03, 2007

Update & Prayer Requests

Several days have passed since my last post. Here are a few updates and prayer requests. . .

Tuesday: 11/27 I dropped by the lady's Bible Study at R. B. Wilson apartments for a few minutes. There were several ladies there. I gave Sister Jennie Sanders an angel in remembrance of her deceased Sister. The ladies were having a great time of Bible Study. They asked me to stay but I declined and told them, "I don't look like the part."

Saturday: 12/01 Karen and I were invited to a Christmas dinner and "dirty Santa" gift party with Don and Cathy VanMeter, Stanley and Judy Reynolds, Don and Donna (friends of Don and Cathey and another couple, that I chatted with quite a bit and sat by them but don't recall their last name, so I'm not going to try to put first names. Someone said, "I'm getting old." If you don't know what "dirty Santa" is, its when each person brings a gift, usally a set price of 5 to 10 dollars. Then numbers are drawn and each person chooses a gift in the order of the numbers. The fun part is that when your number comes up you can choose a gift that is still wrapped or you can "steal" a gift from someone who already has one and thats why its called "dirty Santa." We enjoyed the fellowship and being with some new couples.

Sunday: 12/02 Thank the Lord for two great meetings yesterday. We were glad to see Rex and Lori Worman back with us. Recently, her father passed away and she and Rex are staying close to home now to care for sick family members. They were driving to Kentucky for church but we welcome them back with open arms. "WELCOME BACK"

Prayer Requests:

Sister Jennie Sanders continues to request prayer for strength and healing of fluid in her legs.

Sister Ruth King continues to request prayer for Rita, her disable daughter. Rita has to have a sitter now when Sister King goes to the grocery store. Sister King cannot be out very much since she takes care of Rita most hours of the day and night.

Brother Stanley Reynolds requests prayer. He had to stay in bed yesteday. Sister Judy called and stated that he has a fever and needs prayer.

Sister Marie and Brother J. E. Moore request prayer. They have both been very sick for the past several weeks. Both have had bouts with flu-like symptoms.

Sister Mildred Stacey requests prayer for strength. She recently had knee surgery and desires our prayers.

Brother Manuel Crossno's granddaughter was involved in an auto accident yesterday. Remember Kaitlyn in prayer.

Sister Susis Reynolds requests prayer for her older brother who lives in Southern Texas. He suffered a stroke and they will be traveling there to visit for the next couple weeks. Remember them in prayer as they travel and pray for healing for the brother.

Brother Paul Rivera's Sister and Family have recently moved here and are looking for a place to live. Pray that they will find a good place to live. They have found work but need a place to live.

Sister Donna Crossno requests prayer. She fell a couple months ago and has been having struggles with walking and being able to drive. We miss her in church and pray that she will be able to get back soon.

Revival: Continue to pray for revival here in our families and in our community.

NOTE: If you have a prayer requests, email or call 731-209-4176 - leave your prayer request on the voice message if no one answers.

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