Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Pardon some personal notes here. For those who read this and will, your prayers are appreciated.

My days are full of reading multiple books, studying various biblical themes and historical theories, and writing 2000-5000 word papers. My time to complete the first five courses in the DMin. ends the last day of July. I have completed two and part of two others but it has been a year and half since I started. I need to accelerate my studies so as not to loose the credits that are not finished or have to pay an extension. That is why, so far today, I have given 7 hours into these studies.

I have also registered for four other courses to be completed by the end of November.

These studies are very helpful and focused on ministry on the DMin level and they take considerable time, effort and energy.

My prayer is that these studies, Theology of Ministry, Advanced Leadership, Themes and Modalities that Affect Today's Preacher, Advanced Contemporary Apologetics, Advanced Contemporary Hermeneutics, and four doctoral level counseling courses (Crisis, Youth, Family, and Church Counseling Ministry) will enhance my ability to minister more affectively and skilfully in the pastoral ministry and/or other ministries that may be in the future.

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