Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Sister Karen and I were excited this past Saturday (May 5th) to attend our youngest daughter's (Sarah Lenae Holman) graduation and her little girl's (Aviana Shalee) 3 year birthday celebration (she was three on May 2). Sarah graduated from Motlow State Comm. College with an Associate of Science with honors. She told her mother and I that she is going to "take a break" from school for a while. She eventually wants to get a BS in early childhood education (I think) and maybe start a daycare sometime in the future or teach school. She says she is staying home for a while and may work part-time somewhere. We wish and pray the best for Sarah.

Little Aviana was all smiles and laughter as approximately 40 adults and children attended her birthday party at the "Fred Deadman" park in Manchester, TN. We were glad to see our oldest Daughter Danita Queener and our second daughter Heather Hall with her two children Courtney and Caleb. We were glad to see many others including Stacy, Darlene and Danielle Long, Darlene's mom and dad, Tina and Wayne Holman (the other grandparents of Aviana - Chris's parents), several people from Chris and Sarah's church (whose names I cannot remember), Margo Cox her husband and two little girls, and several more of Sarah's friends from high school and college (whose names I do not know). It was a great time and a beautiful day. Mamaw and Papaw always love to be with Courtney, Caleb, Aviana and KeYante' - they are GRAND!

My brother and mother wanted to come but already had a full day with ministry and going to the prison to minister. Tony called the next day and wished everyone well and congratulated Sarah.

We love you family and pray for you.

Thank God for family and friends.

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