Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bishop J. C. Palmer Funeral

Bishop Palmer's funeral went well today. Dr. E. C. McKinley, State Overseer of Tennesseee, shared a timely message. Bishop C. C. Winchester officiated. Bishop Harold Batson read a scripture and offered prayer, Bishop Clayton Mahan, Nothwest Tennessee Presbyter, presented a church flag to Bishop Palmer's son, Tony.

It was my joy to know Bishop Palmer and be his pastor from 2004-2006 here at Huntingdon. I came to know Bishop Palmer several years ago when he pastored in the middle Tennessee area while I was a young lad. I would see him at State Conventions each year. I never greeted him when he was upset, angry or talking down about something. He was an encourager par excellent. He encouraged me when I first came to Huntingdon and desired to help any way that he could. He still had the fire burning to preach and filled the pulpit several times during my first two years here when I was away or not feeling well. I remember when he would come in to the sanctuary with a smile and always a kind word. He would also be jolly, cheerful and would make those around him feel cheerful. He felt led to return to the Paris, Tennessee church (a church he organized early in his ministry) in late 2006 to encourage the folks there.

One of the highlights of the funeral, for me, was when Bishop Winchester spoke about brother Palmer being his grandparent's pastor and dedicating him as a small baby back in the early 1940's. Bishop Winchester noted, "It has been my joy to be Bishop Palmer's pastor for the past couple years and to realize he pastored my grandparents and to find out, just today, that Bishop Palmer performed my baby dedication."

Bishop Palmer served as Pastor for 52 years in several states including, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan and Tennessee. His son, Tony, is a special friend of mine and the folks at Huntingdon (where he served as worship leader for some time before I came to pastor) and we continue to pray for him during this time of loss.

Bishop Palmer is waiting for us to come join him in that heavenly place.

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