Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Greetings. Since our last post Sister Gordon and I have been very involved in the church work. Our services Sunday (7/31/05) were great even though our attendance is down some (some out on vacation, visiting family, etc.). This was the last day of our first year to pastor here. Sunday morning was the Lord's Supper and the message text was Hebrews 13: 11, 12. God blessed as we partook of the bread and fruit of the vine that represents the broken body and shed blood of our Lord and Saviour. Sunday night was Pastoral Care emphasis. Each Care Leader shared their desires for their ministry and those under their care. Sister Gordon is the Pastoral Care Director and she encouraged each leader to do their best and keep focused on caring for each member. Each group had a great time of prayer, discussion and planning. The Care Groups will be meeting monthly in homes on a scheduled Sunday night or Wednesday night. One group will meet at the church to be there for visitors who may come in.

Since the last post Sister Gordon and I have traveled over 500 miles and have visited with the Kelly & Beth Moore, Paul, Josie & Lori Rivera, J. E. & Marie Moore, Brandon & Amber Moore, and Sammy and Dee Walker. We have also made contact with over twenty new homes - leaving information about the church and speaking with some of them. We are continuing to anticipate the time when the new building project gets underway at our new property.

Beginning this second year we are calling it the year of healing and restoration for our church. Healing of those who have been bruised by satan's deceits and schemes. Healing and restoration of those who have fallen and need to be restored back to their relationship with God. Restoration of respect for God, His Word, His Leaders and for each other. I believe Jesus, the Head of the Church, is calling us to focus on a year of healing and restoration.

Thank you for stopping by and reading our blog. God bless you is our prayers.

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