Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Update - Winds are Blowing Here and The Rain Is Falling

The Ministerial Intensive was full of substance and spirit this past weekend. There were classes for several different ministries including, pastoral, Bishop, Deacon and Evangelism/Outreach. I believe this was one of the best I have attended, if not the best. The book, "What The Bible Says To The Minister" is an excellent study and reference.

This past Sunday was another great time of the presence of the Spirit and a great time of worship and praise. Thank God for His presence and for those who are continuing in fasting and prayer for outreach here. Sunday evening, Karen spoke to us on the expectation and anticipation of renewal and revival. The "wind of the Holy Ghost is blowing here."

As I write this, Huntingdon is under the second tornado warning for this evening. The first one expired at 8:30 pm. The second one expires at around 11:30 - 12:00 midnight. My sincere prayer is that the "wind of the Holy Ghost continues here". . . . until we are saturated with the spiritual rain that Michael W. Smith sings about. . . .Let It Rain. . . .

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