Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Sister Jennie Sanders requests prayer for her legs from swelling and fluid retention. We prayed with her and thank God for a precious lady who loves the Lord and is one of the prayer warriors of the church here. The tenants where she lives calls her "the angel" of their home and we certainly believe them.

Pray for the upcoming VBS that we will be prepared and anointed to minister to the children and families of the children. Pray as we reach out to some children who may not otherwise be able to attend church or have a way to church. Pray for the staff and each volunteer who serves in the VBS.

Pray for the upcoming Bible study on Wed. evening and for the services this coming Sunday to be a time of worship to God almighty..

Pray that the ministry here and the ministers involved will be "caught in the wave of God and will flow in what He is doing here in our community and county."

Pray that we will become saturated in the power and grace of the Holy Ghost and have a renewing, restoring and refilling of His anointing and power to minister in His vision and mission. . . .

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