Monday, August 20, 2007

Stuck In The Middle

Being a teen in the 60's it was difficult to avoid the hippy culture. While I was not a "true hippy," I did have the long hair and for several years listened to the rock music of that day. Sometime in that era (late 60's or 70's) I remember a song entitled Stuck In The Middle With You by the group Steelers Wheel. More recently Kieth Urban has recorded the song. Part of the lyrics say, Well, I'm stuck in the middle with you, And I'm wondering what is I should do, It's so hard to wipe this smile from my face, Lose control and I'm all over the place, Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, Here I am, stuck in the middle with you. Here I am, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you. Of course the song is dealing with a more relative subject to the song than I am going to speak of here. Nevertheless the thought of the song has truth in it.

Have you ever felt like you were or are stuck in the middle? Well don't despair, it happens to the best and the worst. As a younger minister several years ago one pastor gave me this maxim, "if you walk in the middle of the road, you get hit on both sides." I've learned this is very true. To be involved sometimes means "being stuck in the middle." One could just draw up in a shell and not get involved and say, "I don't know anything about anything." However, a caring person, especially a caring Christian, may find themselves "stuck in middle." That feeling of being "stuck in the middle" can cause a person to feel dejected, rejected and very much alone. Paranoia has no friends but rejection, dejection and being alone are very real.

Take courage and don't be too ashamed when you remember the ONE who was "stuck in the middle," some 2000 years ago with no reason to be stuck there except to give HIS life for all those who are "seriously stuck in the middle" between God's impending wrath and judgment and the gift that He provided for all who will come and trust in HIM. As HE hung there "stuck in the middle" between heaven and earth, HIS prayer was "father forgive them for they know not what they do." When HE cried, "I thirst," he was offered the wine vinegar that had some pain reliever in it and HE refused it. When one of the dying thieves came to realize it was the SAVIOR hanging next to him, the thief said these simple words, "remember me when you come into your kingdom." To this beleaguered, repentant thief who realized he needed a SAVIOR more than being freed from the cross he was stuck to, JESUS replied, "this day you will be with me in paradise."

There HE was "stuck in the middle" of dozens on that day and millions more and billions to come. As HE hung there HIS heart breaking, HE looked out to view HIS mother standing next to the disciple whom he loved and said to his mother "behold thy son," and to that disciple, "behold thy mother." When HE cried, "I thirst" again he was given raw vinegar on a sponge and he accepted the sponge for a little moisture. HE looked up to HIS Father, who could not view the sin that was nailed to him, and with a longing for HIS Father, HE cried "My God, My God why have you forsaken me?" As HE hung there in deep agony, indescribable suffering and sorrow, HE proclaimed the words that all who are "stuck in the middle," rejoice over time and time again. HE proclaimed, "It is finished." No longer are those who trust HIM "stuck in the middle." Now HE is no longer "stuck in the middle" between heaven and earth. HE is risen and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us.

Milton Gordon

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