Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bishop Eugene Weakley's 80th Birthday Surprise

Brother Weakley's 80th birthday surprise celebration was this past Saturday. His daughter, Regina, and Sister Weakley planned the surprise. Karen and I mailed a card. We were unable to attend. Brother Weakley has been a great inspiration in our ministry. Karen and I served in his administration from 1986-1999. I remember asking him the question, what good advice would you give to a young minister? I have not forgotten what he answered. He said, "stay close to God and preach a balanced message." Below is a picture of Bishop Weakley fellowshipping with members during a Christmas Banquest visit a couple years ago. He could always be seen reaching out to shake hands and converse with each one. Brother Weakley is a giant Christian and powerful pulpit minister. We love him and Sister Weakley.


Don G. Brock said...

I regret not being at the birthday party. Brother Weakley impacted my life positively. As a lad, I cut his grass when he first moved to Cleveland.

Pastor Milton Gordon said...

I too wanted to be there but travel and body did not bode well that particular day. Brother Weakley was my District Overseer when my first wife died and encouraged me greatly. He encourged me and helped me get back into ministry as State Overseer after going through much emotional stress, cancer and mental anquish. He was there during my last radical cancer surgery. Sister Weakley prayed many prayers for me too. A few years later I visited them and prayed with them in Madison Memorial Hospital when he had cancer. The Lord gave us both similar scriptures when we were going through the cancer (unknown to either until afterward) - Ps 118:17 "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD." Thank God for His mercy and grace. The Weakleys hold a special place in my heart, life and family.