Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Today was another great day in the Lord. After going to the pavilion to do my daily devotion, I continued with some office work and my monthly report. It seems that these times of the month take so much of the day but the reports are part of being accountable and part of worshipping God with good stewardship. I desire to be a faithful steward of God's time, treasure and talent.

I visited the hospital after doing my devotions, studying and doing my report and mailing it. There are so many there in the hospital that are in need of God's touch. I cannot give names here because of Federal regulations but God knows each one. I prayed with several and listened to some who just needed an understanding person to be there.

I went to Bethel College Library today to check out some books on leadership. I am continuing in the Doctorate but it seems that I get so little completed and after a year, I am way off my scheduled time table. God help me to get back on track with this study.

Tonight was our prayer and bible study. We met at the pavilion. It was so refreshing and relaxing to meet outside where the birds and other parts of nature are open to the eye and to the ear. As we were about to start singing a deer popped into view. The deer stopped and stared for a long time. We were awed at God's creation as the deer moved swiftly through on the other end of the property. The singing, prayers and bible study were very much blessed by the presence of the Lord. We are now doing books of the bible studies since we have completed the Marriage Document from the BDP committee. Tonight we began our first book study on the book of Galatians.

God is awesome! Thank God for His Son - Jesus Christ and for the Holy Spirit who leads us and teaches us more of Jesus. To God be the glory!

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