Saturday, March 04, 2006


Tomorrow, first Sunday in March, is the conclusion of the three series on Stewardship - Time, Treasure and Talent. Last Sunday's message dealth with stewardship of treasure entitled, "What Will You Pour Out To The Lord?" Tomorrow's message is dealing with gifts, talents, helps, etc. The following is a list of Volunteer Leaders Beattitudes. The list is original with me and if there are already some similar it is by pure chance since I have not read such a list.
. . . the un-superstitious thirteen . . . .



1. . . seeks to know and accept the calling God has placed on his/her life for ministry.
2. . . knows that the calling God has placed on their life for ministry is very necessary and important in the work of the Lord no matter how small it may seem.
3. . .will accept training, equipping, and teaching.
4. . . involves herself/himself in becoming more and more skilled in the calling God has placed on their life for ministry.
5. . .understands that God will bless their ministry as they seek to please Him and not do their work "as eyeservice to be seen of men."
6. . .does not seek for public recognition or reward for the calling God has placed on their life for ministry.
7. . .gives cheerfully and sacrificially of their time, efforts and abilities.
8. . .accepts guidance from the leader and works as a team member in the total ministry of the church.
9. . .is there and prepared to minister at the appointed time of their ministry.
10. . .dedicates and commits their all in serving as God has placed them in ministry.
11. . .does not complain, whine or grumble when the work gets tough and things don't go her/his way.
12. . .is not jealous of other Volunteer Leaders and rejoices when others have success and accomplishment.
13. . .gives glory and honor to God for any success and accomplishment.

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